Human trafficking has become an issue of global concern on daily
basis human especially youth are trafficked across the worlds for
variety of reasons. Thousand of youth from Nigeria are sold into the
global sex trade every year often they are kidnapped or orphaned.
Sometime thing are actually sold by their own families. Human
trafficking can be defined as the commerce and trade in the
movement or migration of people legal and illegal including both
legitimate labour activities as well as forced labour. It can also mean
the recruitment transportation harbouring or receipt of people or the
purpose of slavery prostitution force labour and servitude. Office on
drugs and crime defines human trafficking as the recruitment
transportation transfer harbouring or receipt by mean of the threat
or use of force or other form of coercion of abduction of fraud of
deception of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability of the
given of receiving of payment or benefit to achieve the consent of a
person for the purpose of exploitation.
Human trafficking in the form of slavery has been in existence since
the earliest time it flourished in the ancient empires of Egypt
Babylon Greece and Rome and in domestic forms it was a
recognized institution in Africa with human servitude associated with
certain rites before its discovery by Europeans in the trans Atlantic
slave trade. The trans Atlantic slave trade spanned for four and half
centuries. Following the first contact of white men with Negroes first
as explorers and later as slave merchants with help of traditional
rulers thousands of able bodies men and women were capture and
transported by sea to American house holds and expensive
plantation in South America.
Nigeria started exporting women to Italy to engage in sex work since
the 1980’s since then the trade has grown and traffickers have
moved into take advantage of the poverty and collapse of social
programmes that occurred under military rule. Italian authorities
estimate that over 10000 Nigerians prostitutes work in Italy many of
them are victims of trafficking.
Trafficking was earlier confined to movement between countries or
regions globalization with it’s attempt to create one world is also
creating a world without borders for trafficking. The global trade in
human being persists and is expanding in unimaginable scales.
According to Fayeye (2006) trafficking of human involved moving
men women and children from one place to another and placing
them in condition of forced labour. The practice include forced
prostitution domestic servitude unsafe agricultural labour
construction of restaurant work and various forms of modern day
According to the report released by European Unions Justice and
Home Affairs commission (2001) young women and girls are
particularly vulnerable to trafficking because of the low status of
women poverty and lack of education and professional opportunities
policy makers in many countries are recognizing the need to address
these problems by promoting gender equality. Youths who have
greater opportunities for education shelter food employment access
to legal and political systems and Freedom from violence will be less
vulnerable to being trafficked.
Below are the factors that can be identified as the major cause of
human trafficking.
Although Nigeria is the largest oil producer in Africa and the eleventh
largest in the world that is Nigeria has enormous natural and human
resources but it is rated as one of the poorest countries in the world
with a GDP per capital of about US $1.000 (2005 – esti.) for a
population of about 130 million. There is massive unemployment and
a general lack of opportunities for economic ventures low standard of
living devalued local currencies and failure to meet the health food
habitat and security need of the people.
The economic situation is such that most parents are unable to care
and properly feed their families. Parent subject their children to
various forms of labour including trafficking for economic gains.
In Nigeria the children care is the responsibility of the extended
family. This practice provide social balance and is meant to prevent
the effects of poverty among the extended family members and to
stop the cycle of poverty by placing the children of the poor with
weather relatives for proper care and up bringing. In recent years
this form of cultural or traditional postering has been exploited by
traffickers to recruit children. Sometimes the parents or guardians
solicit the help of traffickers themselves this often happens out of
ignorance as to what the conditions will be for the children and with
the hope that they will be well educated or will acquire other skills for
future advancement.
Manipulation of Religious Rituals
Some form of trafficking are under played and not typically regarded
as human trafficking. In Northern Nigeria for example human
trafficking is often disguised as institutionalized migration thrown as
“peripatetic scholarship” or “Almajirci” and sometime through religious
pilgrim ages called “Hajj” or “Umra”. The rationale for traveling to the
city the quest of Islamic knowledge is often forgotten when hunger
and neglect begin to take their foll. Unfortunately both the
benefactors and the pupils are often unaware that this constitutes and
aberration from international norms. This “Amajirci” is like trafficking
because of the servitude and exploitation that goes a long with it.
Though not all Qur’an teachers in the Northern Nigeria are involved in
this practice which is becoming old fashioned and quite unpopular it
remain common among teachers in the rural area.
Children and young women are also lured into exploitative migration
and sex work via their desire to go to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage.
This is another example of Islamic being manipulated for the purpose
of trafficking.
Harmful Cultural and Social Realities.
A significant portion of females in Nigeria society could be seen as
culturally submissive. Despite recent urbanization many traditional
social norms remain intact and even well educated women can still
have marginal status. Women cannot inherit property even if thing
are the only remaining heir. Thus women are trapped within a rigid
hierarchy where the will of men is to be respected. This makes them
extremely vulnerable to the manipulation and influence of traffickers.
Another area requiring further investigation in the impact of broken
home on the vulnerability of children to trafficking.
Lack of Information
Traffickers usually recruit the vulnerable with promises of better
conditions elsewhere. The typical bait is a job opportunity with higher
earnings then those available in the local community. Traffickers also
use the opportunity of further education or the acquisition of skills.
The majority of trafficker person are unaware of the form of labour to
which they will be subjected. They are not likely to find employment
which only worse their economic condition and drives them once
again into the hands of traffickers.
Peer Pressure
Children fall victim to human trafficking because of peer pressure
and lack of alternative opportunities with their impoverished home
communities. They often seek out traffickers on their own initiative
and thus recruited. And some children run away with friends to find
and be recruited by traffickers so as to enjoy the big city life.
HIV and AIDS AIDS Orphans
HIV and AIDS weak havoc in the country in 2003 26% of all orphans
were orphaned due to AIDS. Consequently most of these children
left on their own are easily recruited by traffickers
Weak Legal Frame Work
Human trafficking has flourished due to the lackluster attitude of law
enforcement and weak legal frame work which mainly focuses on
trafficking for sexual exploitation. Generally law enforcement agents
are ill-equipped and lack the technical know-how and gender
sensitivity to handle cases. The conviction of traffickers is quite rare
and even if convicted they are typically released within a short period
of time.
Need for Low Skilled Labour
The global reach and scale of trafficking in humans is the underside
of globalization. Globalization has created power market demand for
cheap low-skilled labour in sectors such as agriculture food
processing construction domestic service labour-intensive
manufacturing home care sex work and the entertainment sector.
Such demand exists in both industrialized and developing countries.
The types of work where trafficked labour is used tend to be located
in sectors where it is easier to maintain highly exploitative working
condition that are gross violations of human rights and labour
standard in locations and conditions that are difficult to monitor.
High Profits
Modern day slavery thrives because of its profitability. The UN
estimates it generates US $7-10billion annually the third largest
profits behind arms dealing and narcotics. It is also easier to move
human cargo then drugs across the border or weapon which are
seized when found. And also human being can be constantly re-used
and re-trafficked not so for drugs.
Low Risk
Human trafficking is secret and dangerous. As a result few will bears
witness against the traffickers. Fear and mistrust of the police the
lack of documentation and fear of complicity also play a part in
maintaining the victims silence. Most victims are poor illiterate from
marginalized populations and are ignorant of their rights.
The high rate of human trafficking in Nigeria has caused enormous
problems to Nigerians and also the country.
Human trafficking reduces the economic perspective of the country.
For instance human trafficking cause loss of human resources else
where to other countries this means Nigeria will have less human
resources to promote it industrial sectors and it can lead to declined
in developmental indices of the country further more young workers
will be in short supply in the next decade which will lead the labour
force of the country to be ill-equipped to compete in global economic
where success in based on skilled workers.
Denial of access to education necessary to break the cycle of poverty
and illiteracy that creates trafficking the youth will not get access to
schools so they will not be acquainted with the technological know
how to alleviate poverty in the country.
Human trafficking increase crime addiction and sexual violence which
will lead to prostitution and increase in HIV victims.
The purpose of the study is to: -
1. Generate timely and accurate information concerning human
2. To provide a media for safe keeping of all human trafficking
3. To develop on efficient database management software that
can be used for complex search with different criteria.
4. To develop a software that can generate report by just a mouse
Below are some of the significant of the study.
i. Improved access to education promote the production of
qualitative learning and teaching materials and to promote a
child friendly environment.
ii. To avoid prostitution in the society which can be lead to
spreading of AIDS.
iii. Protection of children’s right.
iv. Contributes to the successful planning and implementation of
activities that work to eliminate all forms of child labour and
trafficking in the country.
v. To provide awareness because lack of awareness is the grass
roots of the abuses of child.
i. How timely and accurate are the information on human
trafficking obtained?
ii. How safe are the media used for keeping of human trafficking
related information?
iii. How fast do you get the exact information you want concerning
human trafficking?
iv. What methods are used in compiling the reports of all human
trafficking with in a period of time?
1.5.1 Hypothesis
Hypothesis are imagined answers to real problem or question. The
following are the hypothesis of the research effort.
Ho: Majority of human trafficking are cause by poverty.
Hi: Human trafficking can never be eradicated but can be drastically
The research work in limited to children and women. And also this
problem can be reduce by eradicating of poverty and a lot of
UNICEF - United Nations International Fund.
TIP - Trafficking in person
UN - United Nation
AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus
WOTCLEF - Women Trafficking and Child Labour
Eradication Foundation
ILO - International Labour Organization
NAPTIP - National Agency for the Prohibition of Traffic
in Person and other relation on matters.
IPEC - International Programme on the Elimination of
Child labour.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
national diploma (nd)
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